Oh my gosh how this pain in my right arm is hurting me so! It like literally sucks the life right out of me, almost making me pass out. It was really bothering me yesterday too, so much that I actually went to bed much earlier than usual. I say that I'm strong, I know that I am but boy how much does this hurt & I hate it!!! It usually starts in my upper right arm and then moves throughout & radiating my entire arm with pain before making its way to my shoulders and across my chest, ending with me aching all over. Fortunately, now it's just in my right arm, am hoping it will just stay there or go away all-together. The worst part about this pain or any pains I ever have it that I HAVE TO endure it, all of it! I cannot take pain medicines or aspirin so unfortunately for me I just have to suck it up. I actually have rips in our mattress on my side of the bed from me gripping it so hard from being in so much pain! I never used to have these pains until I was diagnosed with this disease, Graves' Disease and had to have my thyroid fully removed due to myself & condition just getting worse, with no medication change, steroids or any of the other options my doctors had tried would work. And then from then on it seems as if at least half the days of the week if not more, I am suffering from this very pain I have described. I do wonder, however, if when they were removing my thyroid and accidentally damaged my parathyroid glands, if that could be the cause?! I do know I now have to take calcium supplements and vitamin D2 because of that damage to my parathyroid glands. My calcium levels get low, occasionally too low and I am unable to even lift my feet or depending on where it's affecting me, I will have problems there too, sometimes not even being able to move or get up without being in pain or falling over. Another reason I'm thinking could be how my levels are constantly up and down. My doctor has had me undergo bone density scans, x-rays and I believe some other tests to see what could be the cause, yet so far we don't know for sure. I don't know. I guess I'll continue to try to remain strong and optimistic. I refuse to let this pain win and overcome me. All that does it take away my happiness & prevent me from doing things I love such as spending time with the dogs and Jeff, and of course from trying to raise awareness for this disease & funds for education and research. Hopefully one day there can be a cure. At least that's what I'm working so hard for. I don't want to have to suck up this pain anymore. I will because right now I have to, and I want to be able to go out and do things with friends and family, or even something as simple as church or to the store. We have actually been out and this pain will start, and people say if you don't feel good I understand if you want to go home. I simply tell them that will not make the pain go away, I'll still feel it there, at least I can go out and still try to enjoy myself and have a normal life. I refuse to let it get to me too much. So far, at least as far as we know for sure, I have had this disease for about five years now, and as bad, as severe, as my symptoms have gotten, my doctors and I suspect longer. That's why it's important to get tested and seen as soon as you suspect something may be wrong, if not before even. I honestly can't imagine having this disease and all the pain & everything that comes with it for the rest of my life. I'm only 32 years old. I have a great admiration for those who have had this disease for a long time, and some even when they didn't even have the medical options/techniques we do now. God bless the many out there who have this horrible disease & please for all our sakes, let there be a cure someday!
Thank you so much to all who read this and please remember to get tested if you haven't already! :))
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